The A372 is a strategically important part of the Somerset highways network, acting as the main route between the areas of Langport, Yeovil and the A303. Drainage capacity through Beer Wall was restricted in the original Sowy River and Langacre Rhyne culverts under the A372, causing Beer Wall to impound water during high flows. During the 2013/14 Somerset floods, water flowed over the road and scoured the road embankment leaving the road impassable and closed for several weeks, causing damaging, costly effects on local community life and significant disruptions to commuter routes and the local economy. As well as the human cost of flooding, operational costs during the flood event are estimated to be in the region of £147 million. This project delivered a vitally important flood alleviation project for local residents affected by recent flooding events in Somerset. Phase 3 of this scheme involved the excavation of two new river channels and installation of two large tilting weirs to connect the Sowy River and the Langacre Rhyne to the newly installed culverts upstream and downstream of Beer Wall, more than doubling the amount of water that can flow underneath the road.

Beer Wall Flood Alleviation (Phase 3)