Constructing Excellence East of England Award Winners 2016

East of England triumph at CE National Awards

Congratulations to all of the East of England winners at the Constructing Excellence National Awards on 4 November.  All of the regions finalists did us proud and demonstrate how progressive and vibrant the industry is in the region.  The East brought home 3 awards on the night:

Health & Safety

Sponsored by Association for Project Safety
Winner – Stoke Quay, Ipswich – Bailey Garner, Genesis, ISG, Living Architects, Madlins Construction & Property Consultants, Richard Jackson Limited (East of England)


The £58m major urban regeneration project is in the historic docklands area of Ipswich on a disused brownfield site, and has brought 386 new homes and commercial accommodation to the town. ISG’s involvement in the project began with an initial enabling contract, encompassing the demolition of a number of structures on the site bordering Stoke Quay. The project clearly demonstrates that with appropriate management, and a well organised team and approach, major projects can be delivered safely. With the considerable workforce on site, the team had to be extremely vigilant and ensure works were carried out in the correct manner.

The Legacy – Sustainability Award

Sponsored by Constructing Excellence in Wales
Winner – Wallasea Wild Coast – BAM Nuttall, Crossrail, RSPB (East of England)


Wallasea Island Wild Coast Project is a landmark environmental scheme made possible due to a unique partnership between Crossrail and the RSPB, which gave a mutually beneficial, sustainable solution to bring 3million tonnes of tunnelled spoil from London to Wallasea Island by marine transportation. Located eight miles north of Southend, Essex, the project aims to transform 670 hectares of farmland back to the coastal marshland it once was over 400 years ago.


Sponsored by DAC Beachcroft
Winner – The Enterprise Centre UEA, Norwich – Morgan Sindall, Adapt, Architype, BDP, 3PM and Cygnum Timber Frame (East of England)


Securing a number of global firsts, whilst challenging the industry to think differently, The Enterprise Centre is a symbol of innovation. Not only is the building a BREEAM Outstanding and Passivhaus centre, its targets from concept, empowered the team to innovate at every stage.  It began with an innovative client – breaking new ground with a unique procurement route – empowering a contractor-led delivery team to rip up the rule book, bringing changes to the design and construction.  Its innovations mean it’s the best place on campus to learn, and the best environment for business to work.

All of the East of England Regional Awards Winners for 2016 can be viewed here.

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Constructing Excellence East of England Awards 2017